
Canada (2024)
91 minutes

Tesh Guttikonda
Mitch Oliver

Amanda Fix
Matthew MacCaull
Brenna Llewellyn
Richard Harmon
Alexander Calvert

Charles Cooper

Al Kaplan


Friday May 31st 6:30 PM
Tickets: $13 / $10 with either Broadway or SFFF Membership
Advance Tickets available through the Broadway Theatre Website.

Join Directors Mitch Oliver, Tesh Guttikonda, Jason Hamill (Editor), and Patrick Tozer (Supervising Producer) for an introduction and Q&A following the movie.

While vacationing away from their home in Los Angeles through rural America the Mannings (Keith, Amy, Kathleen, and Jeffrey) run into Vern and Billy, two locals who are searching for a missing friend. After a brief but tense chat Vern and Billy leave with no extra knowledge of their lost friend. Now on their way again the Mannings run into the pair when they discover Vern and Billy’s truck has broken down. Even though the Mannings are cautious Keith agrees to drive Billy home. On the ride home tensions rise and the Mannings leave Vern to fend for himself. Later the Mannings come across a farmhouse as they assistance. Little do they know the family at the farmhouse is related to Vern and Billy.

The Mannings must spend the night as they wait for repairs on their motorhome. This sets the scene for night of horror between the rural and urban families.

Evoking movies such as THE HILLS HAVE EYES, and other backwoods horror films, LOWLIFES will surprise the audience with dark humor, slasher horror and strong characters. There is a tonne of charm in LOWLIFES, and it will delight our audience.

“Lowlifes might be the best horror screenplay of the year. The blending of class families and adding ultra violence, cannibalism, and harsh judgment make for a bloody good time. Think ‘We’re the Millers’ meets ‘The Hills Have Eyes.’ – Drumdums

Screens with the Short Film ROOM TONE

When a sound guy’s attempt to capture “room tone” is constantly thwarted by the noisy antics of his coworkers, he takes extreme measures to achieve silence.

Michael Gabriele

Michael Gabriele
Danny Rhodes

Danny Rhodes
Amy Stewart

Angela Aiello
LaShon Barton
Brittanie Boeck