Creature Found Footage Horror

Rotten Tomatoes: 88%

USA (2023)
77 minutes

Anthony Cousins

Nathan Tymoshuk
Benny Barrett
Ali Daniels

Anthony Cousins

Anthony Cousins
John Karsko


Saturday June 1st, Midnight
Tickets: $13 / $10 with either Broadway or SFFF Membership
Advance Tickets available through the Broadway Theatre Website.

Loveland, Ohio. Home of the Frogman. In the summer of 1999, a 12-year-old named Dallas Kyle captured footage of the mythical creature, but no one believed it was real. Twenty years later, Dallas, now an amateur filmmaker struggling to turn his passion into a career, returns to Loveland with friends Amy and Scotty determined to obtain irrefutable proof that the Frogman exists. But what starts as an innocent documentary soon turns into a Lovecraftian nightmare as Dallas uncovers the horrific secrets hidden beneath Loveland’s idyllic surface. Can Frogman read minds? Does he really have a wand? Does Frogman f*ck? One thing is certain. The croaks are no hoax!

“Frogman is surreal, off the beaten path, but most of all, Frogman offers the chance to get real damn weird with a found footage curio that actually delivers on promises. – Bloody Disgusting

“Anthony Cousins and co-writer John Karsko use so-called Lovecraftian aspects to give us a fresh perspective on how true stories about horrifying events are commercialised and sold as entertainment even when they have very real effects on survivors.” – Father Son Holy Gore

Screens with the Short Film RAINY SEASON

A young couple vacationing in a small town receive repeated warnings to leave before rainy season begins. Soon they find out the precipitation has nothing to do with the weather. Based on Stephen King’s RAINY SEASON.

Jason Wan Lim
R. Trevor Griffiths

James Dashner

Matthew James Reilly